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This blog is designed for those individuals who experience anxiety and pure excitement during the months leading up to THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH and also document our experience during Trinidad And Tobago Carnival and other entertaining events we participate in. NEED TO CONTACT US E-MAIL US AT: carnivalrehab@hotmail

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Islandpeople - Heroes Review 2K12

Islandpeople after postponing their launch last week held their launch in Bowen Marine. Rumours were that their costumes were the most out of the box or different costume for the season and this was so true. Their launch began at approximately 1:00am. The music wasn't strictly soca but the techno wasn't that annoying as in previous launches. The crowd was definitely moving, once again proving that IP is the party band.

Would like to thank Trinidad Carnival Diary and Trinidad & Tobago Carnival Costume Photos for the photos.
To begin the review we'll start wit:


Lots of female options were offered for this section which was designed by Sonia Mack. No bling or feathers were used in this section. I love the shade of blue but to be honest the costume is not appealing to the eyes. Its not the worse section but its not the best. The male costume is utterly ridiculous and hideous.


Too many clashing colours were used but it was definitely fierce and creative. Fierceness was all over this costume but its sort of way out of the box for the Bikini, Beads and Feathers masqueraders. The male costume sigh.

Solar Flare

That spandex monokini is horrible. It looks goofy and more sidekick than hero. The leg warmers are a complete turn off, the belt on the first picture is scarce. What the hell is wrong with the belt on the non-spandex monokini option and the monokini itself is to thin. This male looks like a gym suit and just looks like its trying very hard.


One of the best costumes in the whole presentation. It looks Storm-ish from X-Men. The monokini is well done and the contrasting colour on the head piece brings it out. The warmers on this model actually don't look so bad, maybe because it was decorated. The bikini option also stands out and the half corset version was well decorated and the backpack is pretty cool although those spikes might cause damage on the road. Only prob;em is to remove the cape from the model. The cape should be an option.

Wild heart

Two different colour options were offered for this section. The pink and black gives a Zune feel somehow. The pink version lacks a belt as the gold option does have have one. The one sided cape is pretty fierce. When it comes to the larger option, the gold stands out the most. The male for this section is the best of the whole collection. So different and sticking to the theme like the female.


The monokini on this option is fierce just the panty part needed to be decorated a little more. The shoulder pads give off the Heroes theme and the no feather headpiece is very creative and different however the other version of this costume baffles me. The shorts remind me of a Monday wear shorts that can be purchased in Micles. I totally get that designers wanted to try something besides the bikini but this execution isn't favourable. Also the mini corset would only look good on certain body types. The male is ok. Too much is going on in the headpiece region but too little in the chest piece region.


Too much is going on and too many colours are. The bottoms are under-decorated and the leg warmers were very off and once again I hope they remove this as an option. Just look at the male in the picture. Any need to comment?


Costume looks sort of cheap and the feathers look out of place. Its like earthy costume meets showgirl backpack and head piece. The male is totally off.


Nice style of the wire bra and well decorated. The colours remind me of D Krewe tempo. The spikes on the headpiece is not a plus and the belt could do wit more beads hanging. The backline headpiece design is cool. The bra is well decorated. As for the male.. PINK SHORTS?


Loving the colours of the feathers.The bra looks like Vega from this year Shades of the Universe. This is one of the standouts in the collection as it is more on the traditional side. The male looks out of place in relation to the female.

Scarlet I

As already stated red is my colour of choice for this year and this one definitely impressed me. The frontline is very traditional, sexy and hot!!! Those wings are wicked. The belt is designed to the last gem. The bra is WOW. Very different. Loving the feathered bras for the other options. No leg warmers and you get the best section in the collection. The male is ok.

After IP launched fans and haters all showed their their disapproval of this collection with few who were pleased via their facebook fan page but the topic is, people beg for different, they get different, so whats the problem now? As for the males, I hope that those short tights are not the only options available and board shorts should also be an option.

Top choices for Islandpeople mas are: Scarlet I, Siren and Oya.

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